Monday, 19 August 2013


My last stop then home, Bienvenue en France

Strasbourg, Alsace, is just a stone’s throw from Germany, but in every essence this town is French and proud. I car shared from Stuttgart to Keil, and then I got on the train, one stop to Strasbourg and I was easily in France.

I heaved my big backpack out of the train doors and through ‘le gare de Strasbourg’, and waited ominously for my Couch Surfing Host, Maeva, a bubbly, friendly french girl, she came to meet me outside the station. Some people in life can just make you feel at ease, and she did this so easily. We walked a few blocks, to her small, quaint bohemian apartment in the center of Strasbourg. She cooked me ratatouille, my favourite, and we talked endlessly about our lives.
 She told me how fearless and brave I was to take on Europe alone. I had heard this so much over the last few weeks. I had only praise for this culturally diverse community we call Europe  and my only fears came from within myself. I was embraced and welcomed, everywhere I went.

I was in France and I was so happy to be here. I can’t fathom out why I felt like I did, this wasn’t anywhere near the part of France I had visited before, it was all new but still it felt so familiar.

The next day I set out to explore Strasbourg, I was told to go searching for the Cathedral and 'petit france'. I trailled along cobbled, french streets, lined with artisan shops, with the smell of freshly baked bread, wafting through the air. I honestly thought I found the catherdral after walking through some back alleys, and I was a bit shocked at how small it seemed, ten minutes later I really found the Cathedral, and towering architecturally stunning building. A tourist hub, with queues surrounding the Catherdral walls, I decided not to go inside, but just to view, the grandeur of the gothic architecture, that rose before  me. 

I soon carried on and mivered my way through the streets and walked along the Canal. I stayed in Strasbourg for two nights, I tasted some tart flambee, a local Alsace recipe, and of course I tried some Kronenbourg.

What a beautiful town, tucked up in the corner of france.

I decided to be spontaneous with where I would go next, to get home from Strasbourg was relatively easy but in hast I decided to head south towards the Sun.

Nattie x