Thursday, 22 August 2013

WONDERLUSTING NEVER ENDS... Marseille, Montpellier, Toulouse.

A four hour train journey took me from the North to the South of France. From the flat green landscape of the North, to the Mediterranean mountainous South Coast. Finally some sun, a beach. I thought this would make me so happy, a great way to end these two weeks, before I embark back to the reality of life.

I took the tgv, the famous train that goes 300mph, and the journey did not seem so long. I arrived in Marseille late that evening, I found a hostel and left the station in search of this.

I rode the Metro to point neuf, where I was met with loads of teenagers. I watched them closely as they started to play fight with each other, then within 1 minute turn around and kiss each other goodbye, ow the joys of being French.

The next morning, all I wanted was to feel the warm sun across my face. It was definitely warm and hot as I wandered around Marseille. But where was the glamorous, Mediterranean essense, I was searching for. Marseille, was architecturally beautiful, with stunning views across the Mediterranean sea, and the way the town is built around The Notre Dame de la Garde, creates a prominent focal point in the city. From above maybe this city can be seen as more glamorous, more luxurious, but down on the streets, I felt the city had lost its charm, point neuf was dirty the sea was poisoned with litter and Marseille had become a faded out tourist town, with old tacky souvenir shops and the only thing that did it justice was the weather.

The same day, I departed for Montpellier, leaving Marseille I passed through Aix en Provence, what a contrast to Marseille. Montpellier was only a place for me to stop on my way to Toulouse, to catch my flight home. Alive with summer, Montpellier was a rich vibrant town, bursting with energy, I was sad to only be stopping here for a few hours. I will definitely return soon.

Montpellier to Toulouse then home!!

I had managed to get from East to West europe on my own with no trouble, but I could not get from Montpellier to Toulouse without problems. Unfortunately the train before the one I was on broke down and then the recovery train broke down along side it. What are the chances!!!

Fours hours later the problems were solved, merci SNCF. I did however get to meet some cool people, and the meal 'gratuit' was a nice gesture, but at the cost of missing my flight.

By the next day I was safely back home, England it had been to long.

Nattie x