Monday, 19 August 2013

My WONDERLUSTING Stuttgart, Germany

Sometimes I know I'm so predictable, that I try to be unpredictable. 
So that just makes me predictable again.

Fran Zi - Stuttgart 

One year ago today, I was sitting nervously in Heathrow Airport about to embark on my Erasmus year in Finland, with great anticipation I grabbed life by its horns and flew. Erasmus and that life is over, but a legacy of friendship, and relationships entails, and bleeds into the soul of your life. This post is about one such friendship.

      My time in Praque was sadly over, and so I said goodbye to the East of Europe, the place that I called home for so long. I now look to the West, to where I grew up... I was on my way home.. but I still had time for a few more adventures. 

How to spend 24hours, with one girl in Stuttgart. 

Firstly, begin the emotional Hellos, I will introduce you to my friend Fran zi. She was one of the many amazing people I met during Erasmus. As soon as we were reunited, its like we never said goodbye. 

And so began are night... I sometimes think pictures, paint a thousand words. 

We showed Stuttgart, how to have a good time, and Stuttgart taught me, that the Germans know how to throw a party. We danced away from club to club, fleeting through the hours of embrace and laughter. Before we knew it, we could see the sun rise once again over Germany. With gleaming smiles we grabbed a tram back to home. 

We laughed about our adventurous night, the next day... and Stuttgart will forever be known as a town that knows how to party. Reuniting with friends fed my soul, I had dearly missed my little Fran- zipan. 

We strolled around Stuttgart that afternoon, reminiscing and contemplate our futures. 
How different life looks after one year, maybe we should grab life by its horns more often.