Monday, 19 August 2013


Crazy enough, I have not even written about all my trip around Europe. When I last wrote to you I had just left Krakow.

As my trip was spontaneous as ever, I reached Wroclaw, late that night and was to tired to wait to get an over night bus to Prague, therefore I stayed in Wroclaw. I ended up meeting the Same person I met in my hostel in Krakow in Wroclaw (What are the chances of that)

I was in desperate need to catch up on some sleep, so went straight to bed, in order to see some of Wroclaw by morning. I awoke, to the sound of rain hitting the hostel window, this was not turning out to be the glamourous Euro Trip I had imagined. Fortunately my spirits were not so low, and I was able to spend a few hours in Wroclaw before heading to Prague.

Finally later that evening, I was in PRAGUEEEE!! Can you tell I was a happy bunny. I had heard so much about Prague, through friends and was excited to see what all the hype was about. Firstly Thomas took me to his student dorms. Luckily for me he had arranged to go out for a few drinks at a bar with his friends.
Which involved, drinking lots of Velvet, Slovakian beer. (The obvious choice when in Prague) 
So then this happened?!!!