Thursday 15 January 2015

A negative mind will not create a positive life....

This week, I am eagerly embarking on my 6 week internship for DMU Square Mile and what a week it has been. Since Monday my awareness of the important outreach work that DMU Square Mile is facilitating with the local, ‘Square Mile’ or community, has made me appreciate and zealously take a hold of this opportunity with both hands.

My role as Research and Engagement officer is to aid a team of people to create an event that showcases the research that takes place at DMU, through the SMART programme, standing for Square Mile Academic Research Team.
After our engaging training session, where the full extent of our project was divulged to us, I believe maybe my eagerness had diminished, and replaced with apprehension. Was it really within my remit to create an event, that showcased research as of yet I knew nothing about?
However, a negative mind, will never create a positive life, and with this firmly imprinted on my mind, the very next morning I met with my first researcher Dr Graham Lawson.

What a great start, Dr Lawson, was really able to gage with me, the importance of his research. This impacted me in a profound way, I was starting to see the real importance of research and why people give up hours upon hours, year on year of their lives to conduct research. Inevitably it could improve your life and in some situations even save it. It also highlighted that my role would be extremely vital, as what is the point in researching, without communicating that research to people?

I furthermore appreciated the importance of what SMART is doing, and the importance of my role within this team.

So without further explanation, this propelled me to go out of my comfort zone, and create my first Video. To engage with an audience, you always feel to have to relate to how people use media, and how people will understand, and for me I felt this would be the perfect place to share this project from my point of view.

I hope you enjoyed it, and also I would like to add that feedback is greatly welcomed and encouraged.

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