Thursday, 29 August 2013

Nouveau Blog

  Welcome, to my newly designed blog!

  Since I last wrote a blog, (which was not about my travels) My world seemed so different, I spent just over a month back in England. I used this time to reconnect and to allow myself to establish what I felt for my home, since living abroad for just under a year. I got in touch with old friends, new friends, and celebrated life, with the arrival of my two beautiful twin nephews. They are called Jack Alexander and Finley James, these beautiful little humans, make my heart melt. They are already over two months old, how time flies) 

It's a remarkable thing to see life grow, before your eyes. Life can take you in a million different directions, and no ones story is the same. Some people are only meant to travel with you for a few fleeting moments, other people stay the journey.

St Albans Park - picnic with Friends
Cycling through the bedfordshire Country Side
Sunset in England - Yes England!! 

If I learnt anything about my life so far, is that I love life, my friend said this phrase to me the other day,

                            ' No one will ever look back and remember them nights they got plenty of sleep'

It struck a cord in me, and I realised I really do LOVE LIFE. I love life so much I want to share it with who ever wants to listen.

My new blog, is everything I love to talk about, from my current addiction to photography, cooking, creating and culture. I like to discover and share, my world.

A have just finished writing about my Wonderlusting Adventure around Europe (Sorry for the delay)
When I returned from England I decided to relive my childhood love of Strawberry Picking and I also wrote about a rather interesting book I finished reading a few weeks ago called The Fault in Our Stars

Lets not forget my old posts, they hold dear memories for me, but change is good.

Talking about change, after a month in England, I moved to France for the Summer.

Lots of Love


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