Thursday, 18 July 2013

Sail away from me, honey!!

So Finally I blog...

Writing another blog post has honestly been on the forefront of my mind for some time now. So much has changed for me and I have taken some time to review and rethink where I am going with my life, and reflect on how life changing my year in Finland became for me. Hence why I have chosen now to write this all down.

I changed in so many ways, in the course of the year. I don't like using those cliche, ideological, 'I have truly discovered myself, mambo, jumbo, philosophical quotes, but I think I have. Maybe its because I'm a year older and this would have happened anyway or maybe this was what I needed. Nevertheless, I am who I am today.

 It's the dreaded. 'post- Erasmus blues', that awaits me now. Although instead of dwelling on what an awesome year I just had, and how I'm back where I was 12 months ago. I have decided to think of life as one big Erasmus experience. It's hard to explain to people how intensely awesome Erasmus is, but what I can say  it's one of the greatest experiences of my life so far.
 Ok so lets continue this life but maybe not the excessive partying that I did in Helsinki. I met so many amazing people from all over the world, and now I have realised, that there are still so many cool and interesting people out there just waiting for me (or you).  

 Before I continue I would like to thank everyone, I met in Helsinki. You all made this an unforgettable year. Here's a video, that was made by somebody that I used to know.
 I think it sums up the year more than any words I write can.

I have also selected, some of my photos, I took, but I put all the best, photos on Flickr. 
You can check them out at
Nuuksio, National Park, just outside of Helsinki.
Helsinki Cathedral, or the White Church as its also called. 
Soumenlina Sea Fortress, an island just a 10 minute boat ride away, from Helsinki. 
In the center of Helsinki, I was lucky enough to go to Helsinki, when it was World Capital of Design.
The view from the Tornie Tower, the tallest building in Helsinki. 
Bougyness, in Norway, one of the most Northern Points in Europe.
Serrasaurri Island, what great Sunsets to end my Finnish Adventure.

So now how do I contemplate my next adventure...

After I left Helsinki, I decided to travel, through Europe, which I will include in my next blog post. I have been back in England, for little over a month now. Trying to find work, re- adjusting to living back with the parents.  I also sorted some more ambitious targets and aims for myself. Fortunately my next adventure begins on monday, as I move to France for nine weeks, to learn, to 'Parlez on Francais', whilst looking afte two French children. 

I created this blog, Nattie Clare, to document my life as an aspiring designer. I feel I have fulfilled this, and have really enjoyed reading through some of my blog posts from the last year. I wanted to combine my love of social media and love of Knitwear together to create a brand that represents me.. and you guessed it the brand is titled, Nattie Clare. 

For me it has become a brand that represents a lifestyle. I want to make a positive impact on the world of textiles and the environment we live in today. The words 'sustainable' and 'ecological' have become almost trendy buzz words, perceived to be used by those dreamy, hippy types of people. So maybe I am one of those, dreamy, hippy types too, but I'm hungry to discover more. 

I hope you want to share this with me, as I put my idea into fruition. Keep following to learn about my new adventures and new discoveries. 

So stay tuned, as I try to find the inner eco- friendly Knitter inside of me. 

You should also check out my newly created, Facebook page, for updates on my brand. 

So Sail away with me on my next adventure!!

Nattie x